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   “Manbul temple hugs me as if my mother was." 2008-10-01 / 9435  


"I think think my choice was brilliant to choose this place, Manbul temple for autumn picnic. Manbul temple let us have buddhist nature by ourselves."
Misun, Lee(42) came to Manbul temple as she participated in temple tour which is departed from Gwangdeoksa, temple. She brought her nephew, Taeho(6), her son, Hyeongjun(6) and her sister, Hyeonju, Lee(34) here. She said she enjoyed spending time meeting her sister and sister's family from time to time.
She and her sister, Hyeonju have been to other temples for years but Manbul temple is not one of temples they have been. They said Manbul temple is really unique and make them have a relax and comfortable.

"I hang around with sister's family. Place for picnic is tranquil temple frequently. I believe that temple makes children improve their concentration and nice mind. So to speak, temple is a shelter for mind."

Misun, Lee and Hyeonju, Lee have been reknown temple in Korea through temple tour. They depend on each other after they are married.

"So many things to look around. it is nice weather to go on a picnic and take a nice picture. I would like to have a nice memory with children. I wish they remind this moment and be together like us after they are grown up."

Misun, Lee who finished interview has a bright smile I've never seen before.

Misun, Lee / Geumcheon-dong, Sandanggu, Cheongju, Chungbuk
Main Office : Tel +82-53-217-0101    Fax +82-53-756-8382
Add : Yeong Cheon Manbul Temple, San 46, Gogi-ri, Yeong Cheon-si, GyeongSangBuk-Do, Korea
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